Sunday, November 20, 2011

My story

This is my story... What's yours?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In awe

I have been blog jumping lately n it amazes me how many ppl are livin interesting lives.
I, however, am living on a routine. Wake up, shower, gets adams breakfast ready, send them to the nursery, go to work, come home from work, pick them up, play with them n put them to sleep.
Well this happens every weekday n on friday, hubby comes back from singapore for the weekend.
N this will go on, insyaAllah for 6 months.
In between overloading workload, running around trying to take care of 2 boys, getting my professional registration on the way n other matters, i am left with little or no time for myself.
I've been hearing the term supermak or overprotective mak. To me im just trying to be a surviving mak.
I take this all in stride. Put on a happy face n live my day to day life.
Am i tired? Hell yeah. Can i get thru this? Only time will tell.
I need stability in life. But if this is what i have to go thru in order to achieve it, ill do it. Ill sacrifice everything in order to get the stability that i deserve.
But for now, im on a quest of the surviving mak.
I miss my home
I miss my complete family
I miss my messy bed...

Monday, June 13, 2011

dear boys...

to my three boys...

it's been a while since i sat down n thought about nothing. it seems that time goes by so fast that i'm not able to enjoy every single one of your companies. but always know that you guys are always on my mind.

to the eldest boy, my hubby a.k.a mr daddy,
you've given me two wonderful albeit challenging boys. when i look at them i see us as a whole unit. n however messed up it might be, it works for us. n for allllll the time i expect you to do things n babble n go on my hormonal rage, you were always there to cool me down, and also to make me angry again :p
for everything we've been thru, i cherish everything and expect a whole lifetime of challenging and happy times with you.

to my first son, adam danish a.k.a adam gedik a.k.a adam,
yes, me and you we are one of a kind. that's why when we're close we're really close. and when we're arguing... well, let's just say there's daddy to clear the tension :p you are stubborn, hot headed and sometimes a little too smart for comfort. your antique never fails to amuse me. just one word of wisdom, when you play and mess up the house, please clean it up again. or i will call to monkey to bite you. ;) muhammad adam danish, just like your brother, both of you have my love, attention and devotion before you were ever born into this world. i love you two.

to my second son, aariz danish, a.k.a bob, aariz wong, dompot and many other names that i can't even remember at the moment. you came out at 3.31kg and like any expected 2nd child, you were stubborn from the get go. labour with you took almost 24 hours! and just like your brother, everything changed when you came into our life. all our priorities were put aside to concentrate on you. on making sure that your brother didn't make you into his own ball. Alhamdulillah to Allah, the transition went superbly (got such word?) and every day all my tired and worries at word is cleared the moment i see your face. can't wait for you to bond with your brother and give more headache to mummy and daddy.

every once in a while, i would stop and evaluate my life. pause if for a moment if i could, just to cherish all the things that i have been blessed with. the truth is, i am truly blessed. i may complain once in a while (my husband might beg to differ) but i love all the challenges and all the gifts that i have in life.

till my next post (God knows when), xox.
