Monday, June 22, 2009

bing bang BOOM!

firstly, i turned a quarter of a century last friday.
but i had a very eventful birthday weekend altogether.
it started with a very annoying client haunting me every second.
then running around getting food for my office.
n then cleaning the office for our doa selamat.
and then the doa selamat.
and then... the BIG SURPRISE!
to make it short, i thought my house were invaded with hantu and penyamun and i shouted as if they are trying to kill me and then hid behind my bed.
it all ended well but left me shaken for at least 20 minutes!
but i have to give it to Awan's siblings - they made my birthday a hell lot of fun... and also prolly shorten my lifespan by about 5 years!
and that was FRIDAY ALONE.
and then there's saturday where we went to the hospital for Adam's shots... and had a very torturous dinner at Restoran Tasik Indah. We pre-ordered for 7 but my brother n sis-in-law couldn't make it since baby Qistina is unwell. The restaurant prolly cooked for 9! so imagine 5 adults trying to finish a meal made for 9!
Oh yeah, Sunday was Father's Day. HAPPY FATHER's DAY to my dad and ADAM's DADDY!!!
we stayed at home most of the day except for breakfast at my parent's place. Waited for our favourite married couple, Fizah and Kopi to come visit for tea but instead... i should've known better, she arrived just in time for DINNER!
cooked Fried Kway Teow and Taufu Telur Goreng and SAmbal kicap without the sambal...
played Wii, laughed until we cried - Go HULA HULA FIZAH!!! and had Creme Caramel that i had made earlier to close the day. They left around 11 and we got ready for bed as we had to go to work the next day... :(
anyway, i had an amazing birthday weekend!
thanks everyone!!!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

happy 1/2 year my baby boy!

Muhammad Adam Danish is 6 months old today!!!
my lasak, white cotton baby is finally 6 months old.
all i can say is... i pat myself for successfully taking care of another human being without putting him in major harm. hahahaha...
now... where can i get half a cake?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

mundane MONDAY!

today depicts perfectly what a Monday represent to us working people.
It rained heavily when i woke up at 4am for Adam's feed.
and by 7.30 a.m. the weather was nice, cooling and moody.
This is what the weekend is supposed to be! Not MONDAY!
anyway, despite the very hot weather, i rather enjoyed my weekend.
Oh, I found my hari raya kain! now, if only i know where to send for tailoring.
and.. Adam has learn the art of rumbling tumbling all over the house. ok well, maybe not the house but the living room, which has sent us very concerned parents to the curve to buy his babyden. Awan came home last night and assembled and decorated the den. it's like a cute Adam's only spot, only covered with bars! oh well, it doesn't matter to me what people might think about me putting my baby in the cage but i'd rather know that he's safe inside with his toys rather than rolling around the house.
lots and lots more work come tumbling in today. in addition, the phonelines are not working, which is a plus in some extend. :) but also a hassle in a lot of ways.
i guess i should get a start on, huh?
here i go lazily looking at this stupid drawing that has been revised for the thousandth time...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

fasting moi

today after a very very long hiatus of puaseness i have decided to resume paying back my "fast days" as i don't have many days till the next Ramadhan.

as a result of that, my other fasting colleague decided to walk around and look at some cloths for baju raya. the designs were endless and i find myself confused as to which design i should go for this year. this year would be extremely special as it is my first raya with my son and my husband WITHOUT a big bump on my tummy.

so yeah, i used to be the ones who think same coloured cloths on raya is tacky but I am proudly stating that i am doing the same thing this year. :D

oh, and adam is loving the banana smoothie that he gets to have every evening. and he keeps on getting his arms stuck in his cot at night cause eversince he learns how to rollover, he's been doing it non stop. also, i was bored so i went around jobstreet and found a very interesting job in Dubai. i am contemplating sending my resume in just for funs sake... who knows, i may be dubai-worthy. hahaha...

i still love Malaysia though. Foreign countries are fun for holiday purposes but when it comes to having a life, i guess i still love my Malaysia. altho, ironically people call me melayu celup.

oh oh and im having my birthday soon! ISO meeting urgent la plak. haih...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

mummy writes... again!

it's been too long since i last write... something. well, something other than office work. anyway since i am finally a little relaxed in the office, i thought i might give it a go.
Let me start with a simple introduction...
as of almost 6 months ago, i became a mummy for the first time.
and moved into a house 2 months after that.
started a love hate relationship with my body.
went travelling down under.
went back to my new hometown on the east coast.
and moved office.

to make things even shorter, my life hasn't been dull for a while.
and i have to say, i miss the dullness.

as a working wife, life wasn't too hectic.
but as a working wife + mummy, i cherish any 5 minutes nap i could get.
not to say i don't love my life. i really do.
not many people my age get to live my life...
but sometimes i wish i could be single.

i always think life is fair.
just when you think you can't handle it anymore, life throws a curveball at you.
this happened last weekend.

1. my baby rolled over numerous times and everytime he does it, he'll smile at me as if to show off.
2. i got sick and had the royal treatment from my husband.
3. i got to STAY AT HOME!!!
4. i had the long overdue girls outing...

while the first 3 is self explanatory, i would like to elaborate further on no. 4.
my babes decided to have lunch at la bodega in bangsar... this is because she is moving to JB :(
huwaaaaa... my batu which i call when i got off late from work and go "HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" is now gonna be milesssss away.
i know we don't usually meet up but knowing that she is around always makes me happy.
but she's going there with the one that she loves. so... i let her go. i think! :)
AND... another babe is getting married!!! this december and she wants us to be her bridesmaid... so that gives a jumpstart to my love hate relationship with my body.

:) i have to go back to work. and i do apologize for the incredibly long entry as... i have been wanting to write for a longggggggggggggggggggggggggg time!

you get it, don't you? ;)
