if i could turn back time, i'd...
tell myself at 5, i did a good job convincing my parents that i didn't need to go to kindergarden!
tell myself at 6, to apologize to the little boy who got scolded because i cried and told the teachers that boy made me cry!
tell myself at 7, the next time i try to runaway from school, i should probably remember to bring my bags wimme!
tell myself at 10, to sing as much as i can as i WAS a good singer i was! well, that ship has sailed now.
tell myself at 12, it's not camping if you sleep on a bunch of desks in the classroom!
tell myself at 13, i shouldn't be joining an all girls school just because i haven't had my period and was worried the guys could see when i "bocor-ed"
tell meself at 14, short tempurung hair is SO NOT COOL!
tell meself at 15, not to play during PMR!
tell meself at 16, gatalness will get you nowhere... exhibit A: TEKO!
tell meself at 17, not to expect too much of growing up. oh, and to stop skipping study groups by fleeing to Midvalley.
tell meself at 18, BOYS ARE MEAN!
tell myself at 19, be careful of my homemate~
tell meself at 20, to stop fighting with my boyfriend, he's gonna be ur husband, u know... u MAY WANT to think that through... :p
tell myself at 21, third year in university is the BEST YEAR EVER! oh, and you were pretty smart, you know... you even had a dean's commendation as evidence! (pat on the back)
tell myself at 22, whilst no one might admit it, it took a lot working and studying at the same time... well, you made it, and have your Azure Louis Vuitton thanks to your hard work!
tell myself at 23, you should have thought carefully about moving back to Perth. and to listen to you own guts instead of bowing to pressures by other parties...
tell myself at 24, marriage life isn't all pretty. thread lightly on ALL AREAS. ouh, and a beautiful baby might make it all worthwhile... even if it isn't, at least you have reason to ignore your husband!
tell myself at 24.5, stop procrastinating and start doing your work!
sekian, terima kasih!
Rain Splashed A Day Too Early
9 years ago
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